Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Day at the Antique Mall

(I'm going to have to used romanized Japanese from now on, sorry)
Today I'd like to share with you two gems that i scored at the new antique mall in my town. It was recently built just a block away from my house, and it's awesome not only because it has antiques (which I adore) but it also has sections that are business vendors and "garage sale" type vendors. (And they have free donuts... score!!)
My first find is this detailed Japanese plate from either the Meji or Edo era (I'm not very accurate on my Japanese history sorry). I got this baby for only 6 dollars and i plan to get a plate holder so i can set it in the middle of my dresser in my bedroom.

My second purchase was a rectangular wooden map of Japan. Each of the big cities is marked by a small circle made out of abalone shell which I find quite beautiful. There is also a woman peering over the island. Her hair is done in a similar fashion to that of the women in the plate shown above. The man who sold it to me told me he found it in an abandoned house. I offered him $5 for the piece, but when I gave him my $10 bill he didn't give me any change, and I didn't have the guts to tell him I'd given him a 10. Oh well! I plan to hang it up on my wall above my bed.
I checked the backs of both items, and they are certified "made in Japan" :) I'll have to check the antique mall again soon for more Japanese goodies. (I have a serious "cultural item" hoarding problem, I need help). Hopefully you enjoyed seeing these good deals, let me know what you think.
Keep it kawaii folks!

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