Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Day at The Spice Merchant

I apologize for my lack of posts lately, everything has been so busy! (Life story of every high school senior). Today I'd like to show you my favorite place to get my Japanese tea, The Spice Merchant.
The Spice Merchant is located in Wichita, KS. It has tons of different flavors, including some really unique ones like Stevia tea. (I wonder if it's really sweet) I love driving by it because it is so adorable; it is shaped like a little Indian temple. (They have tea from several different cultures)
Here are some things I saw there:
Chopstick holders, with precious animations on them<3
A lidded Japanese tea vessel. I really want one like this, and would have purchased it, but this one only held 6 oz because the Japanese like their tea strong. I prefer 8 oz vessels because then the tea lasts longer.
These ones are more my size! I purchased the one in the middle. You might recognize it from my first Green Tea of the Month post.
I am absolutely YEARNING for this tea set. I practically drool over it every time I go to The Spice Merchant. Alas, I am unemployed and this particular set is about 70 dollars :( However I can always hope for it as a Christmas gift...              (hint hint mom ^-^)
I also purchased this cute "Kokeshi" mug. Kokeshi are japanese dolls; I recommend looking them up on Google because they are cute and also quite interesting. The mug spells out "Kokeshi" on the side, topped with the little girls and a big one on the side.

Anyway, if you live in Sedgewick County, KS you should really give them a visit. I hope you enjoyed my little "treasures". I can assure you I will continue to drink up their tea :)

Keep it kawaii folks!

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