Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Sushi Shorts

I hope everyone at blogger is having a lovely week! I certainly have, and if you'd let me I'd like to brag a little bit about a little present from my mom 
Check out these adorable sushi pajama shorts she got me online from David and Goliath! (sorry I don't know why I can't get the picture to rotate). She saw them when she went to Hawaii for her 25th wedding anniversary with my dad (just a bit of info, there's a huge Japanese population in Hawaii and I'd absolutely love to go someday), and ordered them when she got back home after showing me. I love them :) :D However I can't really wear them around non family members because she ordered an extra small, asian extra small. And I gots a big booty for a little girl so they're a bit inappropriate for public wear (besides the fact that they're umm... pajamas ^-^)
My favorite part is this little guy. Poor thing got chopped in half!

Today's blog post was rather short, but hold tight for next week because I'll have to tell you all about the asian festival i'm going to this weekend. So excited!!! There will also be a Green Tea of the Month post for October.

Keep it kawaii folks!

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