Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Very "Genki" Birthday

Hello! As you may know, Genki is the romanized version of the Japanese word meaning both enthusiasm and good health. I thought this was the perfect word to encompass my 17th birthday :) As you can imagine, my friends and family are all very aware of my weird Japanese "fetish", if you will. So i started off the night with a great sushi dinner date at my favorite Japanese steakhouse, Kigoi. (My boyfriend and I waited an HOUR because we are fools and didn't call ahead :P) but seriously, check out that sashimi/nigiri action!

To top all that deliciousness (mm mm ^-^) my mom surprised me with two gifts perfectly suited to me: Human Japanese (a software for learning the Japanese language) and reusuable chopsticks of which I had been desperately in need. There are some pictures below this text of both presents.(One of the pairs of chopsticks has pictures of naked women on it- yikes!) My favorite are the pink ones with the adorable little bunnies. I haven't gotten very far in the Human Japanese program yet, but I can already tell you it is GREAT. It really feels like the teacher is speaking directly to me, and more as a friend than a teacher. And not only does it teach conversational Japanese, but reading/writing as well. I highly recommend it.  So excited to learn! Let me know what you think of these lovely gifts. Also, I do not know why my font is highlighted on my blog post, how can i fix this? It is really frustrating me.

Keep it kawaii folks!

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