Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Green Tea of the Month: Fuzu

Welcome to my first GTOTM post :) This is actually a late post for the month of September. This month's tea pick is from a shop in Wichita Kansas called The Spice Merchant (with which I am obsessed, but more on that later). It is a Sencha green tea blended with Fuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit known for it's strong aroma.
As you can see, it is a loose leaf tea, so it requires a tea strainer.

Now usually I choose steamy hot tea over iced tea, but this one is so dang refreshing iced. It literally tastes like fruit loops!
Anyway, you better rush to your local tea shoppe and see if they have any of the fuzu variety cause this stuff is gooood. Let me know of any other flavors I should try; I'm always up for suggestions.
Keep it kawaii folks!

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