Monday, March 3, 2014

GTOTM: Mint Fusion

It's time for the Green Tea of the Month for February! So Christmas is long gone, but in Kansas it is STILL snowing. Perfect time for green tea with mint. Super refreshing, soothing, and zen; it has always been my favorite type of tea. Plus, lately I've been feeling everything mint: dark chocolate-mint lip balm, verbena mint body scrub, mint chocolate chip ice cream, etc. The tea needs no add-ins, only it's own magnificent-ness. I used Bigelow brand, but any brand would still be amazing (this one is just cheap). Here are some pics for those of you who see a bunch of words and want to bail (you know who you are!)

Of course, green tea is already very beneficial for you skin, but mint tea is also known for it's skin-clearing abilities.

Baby it's cold outside<3

"Please let me inside, miaou!"

steamy hot (see my little kokeshi girl? love this mug)

As with all my green tea, I let it steep for 1 minute and 45 seconds (if it sits for too long the tea becomes bitter)

Sip and enjoy :) or if you're me, sip and stress about finding the perfect prom dress (first world problems)

Hope the weather is nicer where you live

Keep it kawaii folks!

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