Friday, March 14, 2014

A Day at Fresh Market

It's finally Spring Break :D When springtime hits, I really like to engage in activities that make me feel cleansed and relaxed. So this afternoon I took a trip to Fresh Market. if you have a whole foods market in your town, you should definitely give it a visit. Organic food is better for you and the environment. Plus it tastes great! Fresh Market always provides various samples and they always have free coffee. Plus the atmosphere is very zen.

Here are some cool things I found there

 If you read my last post, you know how much I adore green tea with mint. This was unreasonably priced though ($14!!) 

 In case you don't have time to actually make green tea, here's some for on the go! Grab it before work or school

 If green tea isn't really your thing, try one of these fruit-infused choices. It's like 0-calorie juice :)

 Organic Sencha

 It's not all tea; here's some Udon and Miso soup! Bonus: it's gluten-free for any of my allergy-prone readers

 prettier packaging on this Organic Sencha

SUSHI!! (sushi is hands down the best part of Japanese cuisine, am I Right?) This sushi is very similar to the Dillon's sushi. Surprisingly it's cheaper!

This last picture made me hungry for some sushi. Since it's a friday of the Lenten season and I am a Catholic, I can't have meat anyway. Sushi it is :)

Keep it kawaii folks!

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