Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Break Goodies

As you may know, Spring Break recently ended. Every Spring Break, my boyfriend goes to St. Augustine Florida (and I miss him soooo much every time). This year he brought me back some Japanese souvenirs because he knows how I am about Japan :)

First is a Japanese painted porcelain egg. I had seen one like this at the antique mall, and wanted it, but it was too expensive to buy. And now I have one :D

This may not look Japanese at first, but there is a message on the bottom: "The Art of Chokin- Chokin is the ancient Japanese art of engraving copper and gilding it with precious gold & silver & other decorative colors. This incredible art work first appeared on the armaments of the mighty Samurai Warriors in the late 12th century. The stunning Chokin Art has been handed down from generation to generation. Today it has evolved into an art of decorating various household articles as well as prized art collections by a handful of renowned and dedicated master of Chokin artists." I am currently using it to store some seashells he collected for me (fun fact, I also collect seashells)

How was your Spring Break?

Keep it kawaii folks!

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Day at Fresh Market

It's finally Spring Break :D When springtime hits, I really like to engage in activities that make me feel cleansed and relaxed. So this afternoon I took a trip to Fresh Market. if you have a whole foods market in your town, you should definitely give it a visit. Organic food is better for you and the environment. Plus it tastes great! Fresh Market always provides various samples and they always have free coffee. Plus the atmosphere is very zen.

Here are some cool things I found there

 If you read my last post, you know how much I adore green tea with mint. This was unreasonably priced though ($14!!) 

 In case you don't have time to actually make green tea, here's some for on the go! Grab it before work or school

 If green tea isn't really your thing, try one of these fruit-infused choices. It's like 0-calorie juice :)

 Organic Sencha

 It's not all tea; here's some Udon and Miso soup! Bonus: it's gluten-free for any of my allergy-prone readers

 prettier packaging on this Organic Sencha

SUSHI!! (sushi is hands down the best part of Japanese cuisine, am I Right?) This sushi is very similar to the Dillon's sushi. Surprisingly it's cheaper!

This last picture made me hungry for some sushi. Since it's a friday of the Lenten season and I am a Catholic, I can't have meat anyway. Sushi it is :)

Keep it kawaii folks!

Monday, March 3, 2014

GTOTM: Mint Fusion

It's time for the Green Tea of the Month for February! So Christmas is long gone, but in Kansas it is STILL snowing. Perfect time for green tea with mint. Super refreshing, soothing, and zen; it has always been my favorite type of tea. Plus, lately I've been feeling everything mint: dark chocolate-mint lip balm, verbena mint body scrub, mint chocolate chip ice cream, etc. The tea needs no add-ins, only it's own magnificent-ness. I used Bigelow brand, but any brand would still be amazing (this one is just cheap). Here are some pics for those of you who see a bunch of words and want to bail (you know who you are!)

Of course, green tea is already very beneficial for you skin, but mint tea is also known for it's skin-clearing abilities.

Baby it's cold outside<3

"Please let me inside, miaou!"

steamy hot (see my little kokeshi girl? love this mug)

As with all my green tea, I let it steep for 1 minute and 45 seconds (if it sits for too long the tea becomes bitter)

Sip and enjoy :) or if you're me, sip and stress about finding the perfect prom dress (first world problems)

Hope the weather is nicer where you live

Keep it kawaii folks!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

TV Episode Review: An Idiot Abroad - Climbing Mt. Fuji

So basically.. it's been eons since I last posted. Second semester senior year is crazy . But don't worry I have like 2 pages of ideas for blog posts written up :) Lately I've been really getting into this show called An Idiot Abroad. It's about this disgruntled British man who is sent to all these different countries to experience their cultures (some of which are quite exotic and unpleasant). In this episode Karl, the subject of the show, is sent to Japan to climb Mt. Fuji. On the way, he experiences several little "treats"- a cat-petting cafe, sumo match, Buddhist temple, tea ceremony, eats fermenting fish, an exercise routine at a Japanese workplace, technology/invention center, and finally, the big mountain. (By the way, if anyone wants to see a cool video of a Japanese tea ceremony here's a link - It takes him from about 2 pm to 7 am the next day. That's so much time walking! But the view was absolutely beautiful, and I hope to go the some day. Karl actually quite enjoys his trip to Japan, as opposed to his trips in man of the other episodes. The idea of Buddhist meditation and the sacredness of tea really resonates with him. This show is amazing and hilarious, GO watch it :) 

Since I've been slacking on my blog lately, I think I'll make another post tonight (GTOTM) so stay up :)

Keep it kawaii folks!

P.S. Sorry about the color-backing on the text. My accoun is messing up again