Sunday, November 17, 2013

Movie Wars- Jiro Dreams of Sushi vs. Sushi: The Global Catch

My family recently got Netflix so I've been movie binging, of course. My boyfriend and I have watched two sushi documentaries this month (see blog title) and I'd like to give you my reviews of each, anddddd determine a winner!

Jiro Dreams of Sushi
This documentary follows the life and training of famous artisenal Japanese sushi chef, Jiro Ono, at his expensive (but totally worth it apparently) restaurant Sukiyabashi. The film goes into in-depth detail of how the sushi is prepared (even the rice has very specific and difficult preparation techniques) and how the fish is selected. Jiro's son, Yoshikazu, narrates for a while; he is apprenticing to take over the business when his father dies. Overall, a very interesting documentary. And the food looked delicious!

Sushi: The Global Catch
When this documentary begins, it appears to be centered on sushi as a whole, but don't be fooled; it's all about the freaking tuna! I pen a whole hour watching a film on the endangerment of the wild tuna species and the effect of the sushi industry on it. :P The only thing I liked about this movie better was that it was in English instead of in Japanese with English subs.

So clearly the champion is.....
Jiro Dreams of Sushi!

Seriously though, I highly recommend it, and its free if you have Netflix. Let me know what you think :)

Keep it kawaii folks!

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