Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Tokyite" Stuck In A Kansan Body

こんにちは (Hello!) and welcome to my webpage<3 I really appreciate you taking the time to check out my first post. This is basically just an introduction to what my blog will be all about. For several years now, I have developed a passion for all things Japanese: the culture, the customs, THE FOOD. But really. It’s an obsession of mine. However I can’t hold a monopoly on the adoration of such an interesting country: I want everybody else to appreciate it as much as I do. So this is both for those who already love Japan, to see how I incorporate the Japanese culture into my life, and also those who are new to the Asia craze, to develop a mutual passion. I will try to post once or twice a week, including a regular “green tea of the month” post. I already have a ton of ideas for future blog posts and look forward to sharing them with you!
Keep it kawaii folks!

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