Saturday, January 11, 2014

Movie Review: The Ramen Girl


Last night my parents and I sat down to watch a movie called Ramen Girl. I had been looking forward to watching this movie for a long time, seeing as I have a slight obsession with Japan. I have always wanted to try real ramen (the packaged 50 cent stuff in America is crap), but there isn’t any of the good stuff in Kansas.

Anyway this movie is about a girl who moves to Tokyo so she can be with her boyfriend at his new job, but he dumps her and leaves (right after sleeping with her too!). She finds refuge in a steaming flavorful bowl of ramen at the ramen shop across the street from her apartment. She is overcome with a desire to learn the art of ramen cuisine, and dedicates herself to convincing the chef to teach her. There’s only one problem… the language barrier of course!

I won’t spoil the rest of the movie for you, but I’ll give you my opinion of it. The main character Abby, played by Brittany Murphy, is completely obnoxious. Murphy’s acting is horrible and her botoxed lips are extremely annoying. This girl Abby consistently drags on to the Japanese restaurant owner about her horrible life and boyfriend even though he CLEARLY CANNOT UNDERSTAND HER. She does this throughout the entire movie. It takes her forever to learn even simple phrases like “I don’t understand”, “I’m sorry” and “please” (I felt pretty smug because I knew all of them). What’s more, the idea of her being able to master ramen in a year is pretty unrealistic, as is the teacher’s willingness to teach a white girl, along with the fact that he puts up with her very offensive antics. This being said, the movie was worth watching because of the heartwarming storyline, the intriguing sights into the ramen world of Japan, the ability to listen to the Japanese language and the hilariously cute Japanese characters. If you have Netflix, it’s free anyway so give it a go, and let me know what you think!

Keep it kawaii folks!


P.S. since there were no pictures in this blogpost and I don't want to bore you to death, here are some random pics of me eating fasian food (both f's intentional, if you catch my drift). 

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