Sunday, February 2, 2014

Antique Mall Close-out and GTOTM

I just want you all to know that I am making great progress in learning Japanese through my Human Japanese software. I've really enjoyed drawing the little characters (Japan really is all about cute!)Also I FINALLY fixed my blog so that it is easier to read. Anyway, I'm straying from the topic. Sad news: the antique mall near my house is closing :'( This is extremely disappointing, not only because it's a good place to find cool Japanese stuff, but also because it is a great place for thrifting and buying gifts. As a tribute to its final days, I will show a few other cool Japanese items I found on sale there recently.

Interesting and ornate egg-things. Seriously though, can somebody tell me the purpose of these?

Japanese vase. This one was actually cheap enough for me to purchase. It is currently sitting on the dresser in the front of my room. Hopefully after Valentine's day I can fill it with some flowers ;)

last but not least, tea set!! I am quite fond of tea-pots with bamboo handles like this, as opposed to the traditional Japanese teapots that are dark-colored, ceramic, very wide/round, and flat. I think there must be a difference in eras between the two styles. The kind I like are much more difficult to find. I already have a tea set that I received for Christmas, as you may have read. However, it only contained 4 cups and a pot whereas this one basically contains a whole kitchen! Overall though, I like the way mine looks better and that is more important

Since I'm lazy, I'm combining this post with my Green Tea of the Month for the Month of February. I would have used Lemon Green Tea or Kapchorua Green Tea as my GTOTM, but since I already described those in my Christmas post, I figured it would be a bit redundant to appraise them again. Plus, those are running out, and I've been using the kind that a picked for this month far more often. Drum roll please....

Decaf Green Tea!!

A bit anticlimactic? Sigh, I know. But really, this stuff is great! Second semester has been kinda crazy, and sometimes I'm so busy that by the time I get around to drinking my 3rd green tea, it's too late for any caffeine. This has definitely been my saving grace.

So if you have a fantastic antique mall nearby, raid it while it lasts! I think I'm going to go cry now

Keep it kawaii folks!